Friday, February 17, 2017

How to know how popular is your Instagram account via IDP (Instagram Domestic Popularity)

If GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is a measure of economic production of a particular territory in terms of financial capital over a specified time period. According to boundless, GDP is calculated by:

GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government investment + government spending + (exports - imports)

GDP indicates whether the economy is growing or contracting.

So how can we measure our popularity on Instagram over a specified time period? One way to know how popular your account is on Instagram is by the number of followers. Hence, I give you the IDP (Instagram Domestic Popularity). "Domestic" means that the measurement of IDP contains only followers from one's Instagram account. Assuming that for each post made on Instagram, the number of followers is increased by one or more.

To calculate IDP:

IDP = (no. of followers - no. of posts)/no. of posts

If IDP = 0 means Normal popularity / break even

If IDP > 0 means Popular

If IDP < 0 means Not popular

If A's IDP > B's IDP means A is more popular than B
or perhaps A is a more efficient and effective content producer than B.


(2846 - 675) / 675 = ~ 3.216
The IDP of this account is approximately 3.216.
Perhaps a more accurate way to calculate IDP is to calculate it within a certain time period. 

IDP = (no. of followers gain in year X - no. of posts made in year X)/no. of posts made in year X

If  there are 286 followers gain in year 202X and there are 132 posts made in year 202X, hence the IDP for year 202X is:

(286 - 132) / 132 =  ~ 1.167
IDP for year 202X is approximately 1.167.

The above example may be a more accurate measurement of ones Instagram Domestic Popularity. However like the GDP, there are drawbacks using the IDP.

Drawbacks of IDP:
1. No. of followers can be manipulated such as creating bogey Instagram accounts to increase number of followers.
2. Private Instagram accounts only approves following requests from others. Hence the IDP may not give an accurate measure.
3. IDP does not take into account that one post may not acquire any followers at all.
4. If no post is made during that time period but the no. of followers increase.
5. Any other drawbacks that I have yet to come across.....