Wednesday, May 15, 2013

去高雄 Kaohsiung Taiwan Day 5 台湾 第五天

Our 5th Day in Taiwan, we were scheduled to travel down to the southern part of Taiwan, Tainan (台南). We got coach tickets at 600 NT each that is about SGD 25. It took  5 hours total from Taipei to Tainan and the ride was a no rest stop. But fear not, the coach has a toilet built-in, electric moving seats and entertainment devices all to make the long trip comfortable. The coach we took is from Aloha. I have provided the link do use chrome to translate the site if you have trouble understanding Chinese like me.

The more affordable alternative to travel down to Kaohsiung is via train. But we were a little late, as all the seated train tickets were sold out and the our options left were to purchase the standing tickets or pay more for the high speed railway a.k.a 高铁 (gao tie). Therefore, if you are planning to go down Kaohsiung, please do purchase your train tickets early. Well if have surplus, then by all means go for the high-speed railway. Train tickets can be bought at a Train station. For our case we had to get our tickets at 台北火车站 (Taipei Train Station).

We boarded the coach at Taipei Coach terminal, located somewhere nearby Taipei Train Station, and after 5 hours of 'when will it end' coach ride we alighted at Kaohsiung Train Station. From there we took the subway down to  liouhe night market (六合夜市). Not to eat but to check into our hostel.

Liohe Night Market Subway station.

Liohe street, before night fall

The nearest subway station to Liohe street is the Formosa Boulevard Station (美丽岛车站). Proceed down deep these flight of stairs and you will be greeted something nice once down there.

Possibly the deepest I have seen so far

Take a dive anyone?
Once at the entrance, you will be amazed by this beautiful ceiling art piece. To me, I think it is wonderful and to top it off there is someone playing the piano to suit the atmosphere.

Beautiful lighted art covered the circular ceiling.

A pianist playing, soothes the environment.

Beautiful ceiling art + Soothing piano melody = ultimate relax combo.

Fast forward to night fall and Liohe street suddenly becomes bustling with activities. My friends who planned out the itinerary really like night markets. Night markets are our usual spots for us to have dinner. As we are traveling on a tight budget, night markets makes it the perfect place for us to try many different types of food and basked ourselves in the local atmosphere.

Getting Toyed by this ice-cream seller.

We tried the BBQed prawns from this stall and it tasted
very much like our usual barbecued prawns sprinkled with salt.
Though I am unsure about the prawns being imported from Thailand??? 

Chew got himself some papaya milk to suck on.

We decided to try one of the stalls selling seafood congee.

We bought a bowl of seafood congee from the stall pictured above, and it is absolutely tasty!

Tried this dried food and I must say I certainly dislike it.
  And that's that. I guess my friends or rather most Singaporeans are food hunters. Willing to venture around the world in quest of getting a taste of what is sold in the night markets of Taiwan. Either that or Taiwan is really good at advertising itself. You see, there was a period of time where our local Chinese Television broadcast station (Channel U) starting airing Taiwan reality shows. In these shows, we Singaporean Chinese viewers are exposed to Taiwanese celebrities and of course their night market culture shown in these Taiwanese reality programmes.

Well I hope this explains why we kept on crashing into different night markets for dinner. Remember, different night markets have different hidden gems (e.g. well known food stalls, crowd, whatever). I do highly recommend to visit the night markets of Taiwan as it allows us foreigners to indulge ourselves in their local culture.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

DORAEMON 100th Anniversary! 去 Taiwan Day 4 第四天

Based on the previous posts on Taiwan, our routine is very much the same as Day 1. We go out to some tourist attractions and then spend most of our time shopping and eating at the night markets of Taiwan. But on our fourth day, we went to visit the DORAEMON 100th anniversary exhibition. All thanks to my otaku friend Adam who had included this in our itinerary.

Location:  松山文創園區 110, Taiwan, Taipei City, Xinyi District, Guāngfù South Rd, 133號

100 years before the birth of Doraemon. Here we come!

Doraemon commonly known by us Chinese as either 小叮当(xiao ding dang) or 哆拉A梦(dou la A meng), is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Fujiko Fujio. It is so successful that is also had been adapted in a anime series and media franchise. Though I don't really follow the Doraemon series but it has made it's presence engraved in my mind from the very first time I watched it when I was just 7 years old. For those who are new, Doraemon is the named of a robotic cat who can pull out all kinds of innovative gadgets from its pocket. Gadgets that can only exists within our wildest imagination. Along side his best friend 大雄 (daxiong), who knows what fun or trouble these gadgets might cause.

So on our 4th day we went to the exhibition, which explains the origin of Doraemon till the end. Without further ado, I be posting pictures as it speaks a thousand words.

Queuing for tickets at the Doraemon booth

Literally everything has Doraemon decorated on it. EVERYTHING is DORAEMONish.

Doraemon Lockers
Doraemon gold tickets!?!??Forgotten what are they for

Doraemon entrance exhibit tickets!!! Oh yeah 

Step inside and you will be greeted by the original gold coloured Doraemon. The exhibit starts from the very beginning of Doraemon's life.

Doraemon under manufacturing process

Spoiler Alert!!!! No. 1 If you are still new to the Doraemon thing, I am really really sorry but the next image shows Doraemon ears^^ nibbled. Nibbled by who? 

My ears!!!! My ears!!! NOOOOOO!
Eaten by a rat, now my ears are gone and I am sad.
Spoiler Alert!!!! No. 2 If you are still new to the Doraemon thing, I am really sorry again but here is how Doraemon lost its gold colour. Based on Adam's knowledge, Doraemon was down in the dumps upon losing its ears, he then resort to a cheer-up potion, a potion to make him happy. Much like anti-depressants. But he drank the sorrow potion by accident which made him cried uncontrollably which causes his gold finish to fade and his voice coarse permanently.

I think what we can learn from here is that NEVER resort to any form MEDICATION if you are feeling sad or down! Prevention is better than cure. Remember that.

Sniff... oh no...
That is Adam by the way
That is the very beginning of what happened to Doraemon before he met 大雄 (da xiong) pass this section, and you will be greeted by one of the most popular gadget in the whole of the Doraemon series. Its is the どこでも (Doko demo) door. どこでも (Doko demo) means anywhere in Japanese. This door allows Doraemon and his friends to any side of the universe.

Daddy lets go anywhere!
Entered it and be wowed by the 100 different types of Doraemon equipped with different gadgets. Click the bottom image Caption to view all 100 Doraemons!!!!

Click Here To View all 100 Doraemons!!
With 100 Doraemons all around the exhibition, a Doraemon fanatic will have trouble deciding which Doraemon to have picture with.

Another popular gadget in the Doraemon series is his time machine. We follow Doraemon on his time machine which take us to the very start of the series where he met 大雄 (da xiong).

Lets go back in time Everyone!
Once pass the space time tunnel, be amaze again by a live size town somewhere in the city of Nerima (练马) city, Tokyo (东京) prefecture.

View scenes that are re-enacted by exhibits.   
Or be part of the exhibit too!
Which house shall we visit next???
 Here we have the female lead which 大雄 (da xiong) have a crush on.

This the female lead 静香 (jing xiang).

刚田 (gang tian) a.k.a Gian the bully who picks on 大雄

刚田's little sister Jaiko

小夫 (xiao fu) is 刚田's friend and accomplice. Together they pick on 大雄
Several of the stories revolve around 大雄 (da xiong) and his friends' efforts to avoid Gian's concerts. Singing is another prominent hobby of Gian, in which he thinks himself proficient, but very appalling to the point that people often pass out upon hearing his singing. Nonetheless, he manages to "convince" the neighbourhood to be his concert audience, and even force them into praising his singing. He often steals the comics of other children. Sometimes he steals Doraemon's gadgets from 大雄 (da xiong) and missuses them.

Please make him STOOOOPPPPPP!!!!!
One of the many gadgets of Doraemon is this see through gadget. Place the hoop on any exterior wall of the house and you may catch a glimpse of what's' behind it.

What do have here???
Hmmm...not bad.
A good and true friend, will always be by your side when you are down.
Ever thought of flying? Forget jet packs or jet shoes, how about a helicopter propeller? Just stick it right on top of your head and you can fly! Simple right?

They are flying!!!
I believe I can fly~

That's Ruiqi

That's Adam


That's Yichin

Going Up^

Going Down
The 100th Doraemon Anniversary is not just for children and fanatics, they also showcase some of the author's sketches and scripts to those who seek inspiration. 

Part of a manga page before it was published

Sketches of Nobita in its final stages 

Finalised sketches of Doramon 

Sketches of Dorami Doraemon's sister

Finalised sketched of every character from one of the Doraemon movies directed

Scene script paper? I believed this was used by a voice actor maybe?

If the drawings and scripts do not strike you an idea perhaps you could let your creativity run wild and create your very own Doraemon!!! That is right! I believe you can purchase a clay-made Doraemon figure and paint it to whatever designs your creativity takes you. Who knows your very own figure might be on display like the ones below!

Fancy a chequered Doraemon? 

Look at the Doraemons !!!!!  ^_^

So many variations of Doraemon!!!! Ohhh but they are not for sale..... =(

Trex? more like Dragon! Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Dragon Raemon Z

Half a polka-dots-raemon?


I like this. Looks like Lu Bu from the romance of the three kingdoms

福(FU)! Furaemon! Buy this and you will 福 ah!
PS: 福(FU) in means luck. Be sure to turn the word upside down during Chinese New Year or else bad luck.
Of course, no exhibition is complete without souvenirs!!! Like any other exhibition, there is a souvenir shop located right near the exit of the exhibition. They sell everything Doraemon. Doraemon T-shirts, plushies, snacks, hats, stickers, cards, they even got a Doraemon cafe set-up right there.

Doraemon Plushie for you?

Perhaps some Doraemon snacks?

They got Doraemon pancakes, cookies.. etc...etc

Or how about a Doraemon Bread? Comes in handy before a mathematics exam.

Low on cash? No problem. They still got Doraemon stickers for you to purchase as keepsake

Little or no cash at all? Don't worry, they got Doraemons in a Gashapon!!!

Fancy this propeller hat? Hmmm might get critics from some fashionista

Screw those fashionista comments!!!!! Adam here seems to like it.
Well we have come to the end of the Doraemon adventure. Doraemon has been around ever since when I was just a little boy. To those who are new to Doraemon, you should go watch it. If there is time, I still do catch a few shows here in Singapore. Doraemon is aired it every Sunday morning on Channel 8. It really does take me back to my childhood years. To those who are new to Doraemon, I think I spoiled a far bit...? hahas. Anyway I do recommend watching or reading the Doraemon series. Who knows, it might be an inspiration to somebody else?

PS: If you have missed the Doraemon 100th Anniversary. There is still time to catch it, as they are now in Malaysia Johor Bahru. Please refer to the image below or you can find out more on their website or facebook page. Don't say I never say hor... hahas bye~