I first met Mrs Yap in secondary 1 when I was in the band. She was the teacher in charge of the band CCA. She decided to quit teaching to pursue her studies. I felt sad and so as the rest of my friends, cause she taught them maths for two and a half years. Friendly and sociable teacher she is.
Wish Mrs Yap luck in her studies. Special thanks to Zhao kiat for editing the photos.

First Row: Wai Kiat, Jin Ting, Zhao Kiat, Eng Kiat & Ming xiong.
Second Row: Pearlyn (@the top left corner), Steven, Mrs Yap & Roysten.

First Row: Xin Hua, Priscilla, Mrs Yap, Lisa(not her full name), Fan Yuan & Zhi ying.
Second Row: Wen Li, Li lian, Pearlyn, Qifah(not her full name) & Hilia.
And of course the two idiots @ the back are ZK & EK.

Boys with Mrs Yap.


Yo people! Pose for the camera!

This is a master piece. Known as Wen Li's trademark aka
TERROR. Why is it called that?
Cause she is a well known
terrorist in the whole of 5NA stream.

And this people is the blind. Cause everyone is mocking Li lian's eyes are so well small.

Lastly all
Girls with Mrs Yap.
GOOD BYE MRS YAP for everything.